I tried out the python code in this article, feeding it a Stanislaw Lem short story. The results are soothingly nonsensical:
“I haven’t reached you do,” said Dr. Nygren stepped over to Lauda’s hypothesis sounded the control room of the output meter he would amount of thinking of land. Composition of the horizon did he strained every cell of fire. The group of his skin was considerably weaker. Now Rohan could be carried only under the coffin’s stone needles whose sake are dealing with feeble jerks, trying to the biologist’s explanations for you.
They’re figuring out from the Sisyphus-like labors of bare, threatening arm. Rohan had grown oblivious to ascend. “And what else to detect such extreme measures began to guess at the battle scene once their control?” Despite their energy field; they were entirely filled not yet he recognized as you’ve been invaded the group had removed the landing area and had been detected by a rusty red and had just about twice as to shield their optimum adaptation.
At least the book.
The rays could make forays into the stone heap near the victims of energo-robots. But this was not represent an effort to escape.
Nothing else would never before hitting the universe, souvenirs of the counters of the strings and spewing out from the antiprotons! Again there they do so. The weather front of common basic building was subjected to their function.
Although none of sleep again, as the tumult on Regis 150 yards ahead with enormous distance. Terner fired once. “Steady, steady, men.” He stretched further search. Their aluminum barrack stopped by the field, concentric to the unmanned robot sank below again ambling along. Now it’s nothing was now churning and his eyelids smarting with rubber-tread soles and leaving the ruffled, cauliflower-like mushroom cap had just a large variety of wind for that was disrupted.
Next I’m going to make a whole novel-length text, input author to be determined, and have the Voice Dream app read it aloud to me. My preferred voice is Ivona Amy, cranked up to about 700 wpm.